Optimism is our passion..!

Welcome Friends to this blog on “Passionate Optimism” in a Purnarita way. Let us desire that everyone be happy; let us start to believe that everybody is loveable; Love has a power; Affectionate warmth is the best medicine; We have a common destiny to construct a lovely home for all to dwell and grow every day.

Optimistic thoughts have a power. It is incomparable when coupled with genuine affection and love. We need to join hands to grow into harmonious integration. But ignorance and hurts have divided us. Without blaming others let us keep on doing something so that people will see the joy of living in harmony with one another.

We share this beautiful world which needs that we all learn to live together. Everyone desires good and happy life. Materialistic avarice and ambition has divided us and some of us want to be safe at the expense of others lives. God our Creator wills that we all learn to live in harmony with one another, nature, ourselves and discover Him/Her who is love.
Give innovative thoughts so that people find a way for personal and fraternal integration.

Never Give up: Let us not give up on people who out of their past experiences do harm to others but invite them in love to understand the true nature of common brotherhood and joy of caring for one another. Let us motive people so that they refuse to be selfish and arrogant.

We have great leaders and role models who have gone before us. Let us follow their way of love, peace, joy and common brotherhood. It is our chance to prove to the world that we are truly spiritual and human.
A word of welcome

(If you are inspired you may share this with others so that you may become light on their way. I would appreciate your participation in this good initiative (in your own creative & constructive way) so that we could jointly contribute to the passionate optimism which is our heritage) 
A word of hearty Thanks to Br. Joaquim Hangalo Ofm Cap who introduced me to the world of Blogs & website. He is doing the first post for this initiative.
Other two blogs with similar inspirations are:
For Counselling & Healing Insights: https://charles66alf.wordpress.com/    

Email to send your materials: charles66alf@gmail.com


  1. All the best dear Charles for this noble initiative. May you continue to inspire us to be optimistic… to count our blessings and bring our small contribution to make this world a beautiful and safe place to live in. Blessings on all your forthcoming postings.


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