Middle age & beyond a time for what?
By the time one reaches the middle age it is good that she/he
is already journeying towards or entered into a sort of integrated living. Integrated
people have a gift of giving home feeling to all and particularly to those who
are lost and have nobody to lean or rely on. Their deep seated search is
oriented towards the possibility to further contribute to make this world a
home; a somewhat better place to dwell. There could be also a set of people who
have a different approach which comes out of dejection, despair and delusions.
A brief outline of those two possible attitudes towards life could be:
One that of the Burn-out’s Pessimistic expressions:
While reaching the middle age some people with burn out tend
to have the following expressions which may be surrounded by hurts, anger,
disappointments and despair sometimes.
-Now it is time that I take care of myself and stop with
minimum because I don’t have energy.
-I am getting worn out so let me not bother about others
-It is enough what I suffered so let me give up
-One cannot change things so be prudent to secure a comfort
zone to protect oneself.
-Enjoy life as much as one can and that is normal
Response of the passionate Optimists:
-With the experience and wisdom gained let me proceed further
to contribute in a balanced way
-If he is a believer what is that God expecting of me further
from now on?
-I will continue my optimistic journey and do my part
-What else I could do and be to add beauty to this world and
to my life?
Are you oscillating
between these two attitudes? May be then you are healthy and on a journey
towards integration.
Harmonious Integration
is our destiny but believe it can be reached. So middle age can be time for creating home-feeling many people.
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