Purnarita Seminars to become passionately positive

Purnarita Courses in India will add meaning to your life and inspire you to try passionate optimism.

It is an opportunity for Creative & harmonious Integration:
It is a Course with NLP Optimism, Mind Power & Mood Designing for Harmonious Integration.

Both the institutes are surrounded by Franciscan simplicity, lovely nature, silent atmosphere, a clean air to breathe, sacred zones to meditate, a warm atmosphere to feel loved and accepted.

You are welcome to participate in it & introduce it to other friends:

-27th Nov – 1st December 2017- at FISI, Bangalore, India

Email-  shanthisadhana93@gmail.com

+91/80 2860 5015, +91/80 25996138, Director, Shanthi Sadhana Institute of Spirituality, R.V. College Post, Mysore Road, Bangalore-560 059, India

-18th to 22nd Dec 2017 - at Anugraha, Dindigul Tamilnadu , India
Capuchin Institute For Counselling and Psychotherapy, Nochiodaipatty, Natham Road,
Dindigul Tamil Nadu – 624003, South India, Tel 0091-451-2550100, 9486486899


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