Spirituality of love

Creator's love

Many spiritual and religious thinkers have attempted to explain God’s love and its manifestation in truly loving people.
Love of Mother Teresa for example is one of the striking examples where she has repeated several times that it is God’s love that she found the source for her selfless service to the abandoned people.

It is a proven fact that truly spiritual people who connect everyday to God have to be loving people. A love that goes beyond their own origin, language, culture, and nation and embrace all as brothers and sisters. I have encouraged people to seek God’s love, read about it, listen to people talking about it, witness a love gesture being shared in God’s name and found that helping them become loving people.

Love is not loved
It is said about the mystical ecologist Br. Francis of Assisi when he started experiencing God’s abiding love in spiritual experiences and in the community of loving brothers and sisters. He was so overwhelmed and started saying that love is not loved.

Love meditation to Try
If you have not experienced love in your childhood start today with a spiritual meditation of love where you could just meditate about the affectionate gaze of God’s eyes looking into your heart and filling it with warmth and love. Allow those compassionate eyes of God to gaze into your wounds and blessings and see the result for yourself. This is one of the Franciscan Contemplative Methods suggested by Br. Jaime Rey a Capuchin Theologian and friend from Spain.  He invites us to just be there in that loving presence in silence and without words so that the love of the creator will start influencing us deeply and transform us. Spending five minutes a day in this meditation will transform you.

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