Marriage Bond, Conflict & Inner Healing – ( I )

Not Finding a Partner for life

Recently a mother of two girls told  me that her daughter has broken up with her third boy friend. She is in a dilemma not knowing how to help the daughter. Marriage bond in modern society touches all those who are involved in it.
What would be your suggestion?
My response after listening to her sharing was to start listening attentively and with love.
To listen caringly to the daughter and continue to be a friend and mother supporting the daughter. Providing her a space at home where the daughter could walk in and find a loving mother and friend to open up and draw strength.
It is also good that the persons who undergo conflicts to begin first, “the journey of inner healing of the frozen wounds and begin a life with Love focus” than simply repeat the past with Fear focus.
In love one experiences God’s love & human love through beloved persons who could be there for us in pain and celebrations. We shall continue to reflect about it more in the forthcoming weeks.

Translation of this Tamil saying is: Waiting for a chance to get separated is not love... but thinking not to be separted even when there is an opportunity is true love.


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