Integral Optimism & NLP Course in India

Do you want to integrate life realities? There is an opporutnity to try the integral optimistic ways to become integrated persons.
Capuchin Institute for Psychotherapy & Research, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, S. India
conducts this Integral Optimism, NLP & Happiness Course
at Assisi Ashram

Date: 12-17th Aug 2019, Assisi Ashram, Pampanvilai, India


It is a one step further initiative after Inner Healing of our frozen wounds. A forward journey into integrating life hurts and accepting the realities even if they are not resolved. The participant will find insights and exercises to configurate integral ways of living happily and achieve something in life. You have to do your part even if many things are not changed. This course with its integral optimistic touch will prepare you for that.

The Questions to be asked: Am I an integrated person? What is that I need to further integrate in my life to be successful and happy?
Passionate optimism through Integral ways-Get introduced to NLP & other Mind Power insights and tools through poornarita’s harmoniously integrative ways will also enlighten the participants with recent updates from modern neuroscience, counselling psychology, NLP, Spiritual Meditation and other tools of true achievement.
Give a try if you like to tune yourself in integral and passionate optimism. See for yourself its impact on your being and your response to the world.
Research: Poornarita Integral Harmony Schedule test is being conducted recently in some parts of the world and the results are heart-warming and during the sessions you are going to be introduced to that. It also includes the following aspects:
-Integral self-care with Brain Gym & Dance along with positive whispers
-Integrating Spirituality into one’s life & Identifying Integrated Persons
-Befriending and enjoying Mother Nature at Assisi Ashram an aboard of spirituality
Language: English
For registration:
Contact: Fr. Mathew Ofm Cap, The Director, Email:
Mobil: +919445844408, 9486486899 
Director, Assisi Ashram, Pampanvilai, Tamilnadu, South India
Course Fee: 3500/-  Inclusive of Boarding & Lodging          
Resource Persons: Fr. Charles Alphonse Ofm Cap, Fr. S.S. Sahayaraj Ofm Cap, Fr. Mathew Senthil Kumar Ofm Cap, Fr. John Britto Ofm Cap & Anugraha Staff.


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