Integral Optimism and NLP Course in India

Are you looking for a meaningful life and happiness?

After inner healing are you integrating life realities meaningfully?

There is going to be a seminar to grow further to be an integrated person.


Capuchin Institute for Psychotherapy & Research, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, S. India

In collaboration with Assisi Ashram, Pampanvilai, Tamilnadu conducts this course from 12-17th August 2019

It will introduce participant to:

Passionate optimism through Integral ways Poornarita Journey - Get introduced to NLP & other Mind Power insights and tools through poornarita’s harmoniously integrative ways will also enlighten the participants with recent updates from modern neuroscience, counselling psychology, NLP, Spiritual Meditation and other tools of true achievement.

Contact details for registration:

Contact: Fr. Mathew Ofm Cap, The Director, Email:

Mobil: +919445844408, 9486486899 

Director, Assisi Ashram, Pampanvilai, Tamilnadu, South India

Course Fee: 3000/-  Inclusive of Boarding & Lodging                                                                                                           

Resource Persons: Fr. Charles Alphonse Ofm Cap, Fr. S.S. Sahayaraj Ofm Cap, Fr. Mathew Senthil Kumar Ofm Cap, Fr. John Britto Ofm Cap, Dr. Sr. Deepa OSM & Anugraha Staff.
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