Is it difficult to see good in everything ...?
Integral Goodness
goodness can bring much good to our lives. It starts from finding something
good in everything we see and feel. Most often our feel goes after negative
things as a result what we speak is not that positive but sometimes lamentations
fill our day. It is said that in one of the walls of Pope Francis’ office there
is a quotation which says: ‘No lamentation’.
It is true by
lamenting and fretting about negatives we gain nothing. Although it is not easy
to be good and seeing good in everything those who try it see the blessings and
the good it brings. Goodness filled people see the situation and start doing something
to better the situation or learn to live with it.
Goodness is
an ability to respond from the heart while becoming grateful to all that we are
gifted from God and for our life. Goodness filled people have love, fidelity,
patience, peace, benevolence and gentleness embedded in their living.
Shall we try
today to find something good in every person and reality around us?
"We will never know the greater good a simple smile can do, " - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Thank you Father. It is inspiring to keep the positive and happy.