Coronavirus Challenge & Caring with love and intelligence

Our world, yes it is our common home. But now 205 countries and territories around the world, according to WHO, are facing a common challenge with coronavirus pandemic. And many are now beginning to collaborate to not to allow this our home to become a desert. We all have our duty to do something, make some sacrifice and a role to play however small it may be. It is to prepare ourselves and respond in our own meaningful way. To begin with we have to strengthen our own health and arm ourselves to face the emergency if it comes on our way. As the experts predict that we all may be affected by this virus but it may not harm some of us too much because our body may naturally resist. But we need to take precautionary measures to avoid risks and particularly elders and those who have weaker immune systems due to already existing health conditions. We have also a duty to not to spread it to others by our imprudence and ignorance. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO-Director General and Dr. Michael J. Ryan and Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove responded with their valuable insights during a recent press conference (Geneva) answering questions from different countries. You will find some useful points here.

“We have overcome many pandemics and crisis before in the past and we will overcome this one too. The question is how large the price we will pay. We have lost more than 16,000 we may loose more... Countries have introduced many measures… the answer depends on what countries do while this measure are in place. Shutting down buys time …. But it will not be enough … targeted measures are needed to stop transmission. …use this time to attack the virus…the time how will you use it. There are 16 action we recommend… By taking aggressive action many vulnerable countries can save transmission… Elder people are at the higher risk of Covid 19 virus… Physical distance doesn’t mean social distance. We all need to check in regularly on older parents… so that they know how much they are loved and valued. They are needed at all time but they are more important during the crisis. Covid-19 has Highlighted the need for compelling and creative communications about public health…We received more than one thousand short listed films… We will be showing all the shortlisted films in the coming weeks on our websites and social media channels. In this difficult times film and other media are a powerful way of not only of communicating important health messages but of administering one of the powerful medicines, hope. I thank you.”

Let us care for our common home brothers and sisters with love and intelligence.

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