An opportunity for Your Heart’s Wisdom Change

An invitation for a ‘Heart Changing Integral Optimism Journey'

Dear friends,

I along with a few friends have worked together in launching a facebook group called “ Integral Optimism. ” It is going live on May1st, 2020.
Please feel enlightened to join our group.

It’s going to be an inspirational platform beyond the confinements of particular faith, race, beliefs and filled with positive vibrations, spiritual inner faith having inner journeys into the spectrum of integral optimism in depth. There will be a huge bounty of sharing of fascinating articles, meditations and multimedia messages, all based on the inspirations of my upcoming book “Integral Optimism and Happiness” which is to be released soon. The guarantee in joining this venture will be a gradual change in your heart’s wisdom and mind.

This facebook group will be further run by a team of phenomenal members. Our team consists of kindred spirits from across the world with the rich diversity of culture, language, religion and other goodness.
I am glad to testify that this initiative is the fruit of God’s inspiration and hope it will continue to touch people’s life. Join and get inspired.
Br. Charles Alphonse Ofm Cap


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